Pamožos septiņos. Vaii... Tik silta sedziņa, mīksts spilventiņš... Vēl mazlietiņ pasnaudīšu... Pulkstens deviņi. Oma taisās iet prom, es vīstos ārā no segām... Brokastīs - sveistmaize, ingvera tēja ar medu, lociņš... Paņemu ābolu, un piesēžos pie datora. Apmeklēju e-mailu... Graužu ābolu. Ābols baigi lielais pagadījies, taču tūlīt jau būs aprīts. Plēšu pūpolus. Nu mazlietiņ. Vāzē. Paskaitos kā aug zāle. Podiņā. Gatavojos pusdienās ēst olas. Vārītas olas... Nu vāks... A Lieldienās man negribēsies... Kā parasti... Ak... Apnika rakstīt. Roka sāp. Līdz citai reizei.
Hi, This just came across my desk and I had to pass it on to you ASAP… Internet multi-millionaire Mack Michaels has a few new positions available right now… If accepted you can easily rake in $11, 917 per month starting from scratch. ==> Once you’re accepted just follow the training Mack gives you. It’s really quite simple… Learn how Mack went from not being able to afford Christmas gifts to a millionaire lifestyle and how you can too! BUT… Due to the extremely high level of Hands-On time Mack spends with every new member he has to limit the number of positions that are open. Right now there are only 2 available in your area. If you’re interested you should move quickly. ==> Your Friend, – Mike